Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sales Objection: “Send me some information…”

Ah, the deadly phrase. You know what it means: Good-bye!

Hey! It does not have to be that way: this phrase could be the start, not the end of a conversation. Consider a phone exchange that may go something like this:

“Send me some information…”
You [enthusiastic and sincere]:
"Great! What information would you like me to send you?”
“Ahh, well, you know, your stuff about xxxxx?”
You [quietly confident]:
“OK, what would you be looking for from a company like ours for {a product like _____}?"
“this and that …and sales reps who get off the phone ….”
{it really does not matter what the prospect says – you want to listen to content, ignore editorializing and agree with making this conversation come to an end quickly…}

“Thanks for that insight (OR something like: "Boy, do I ever understand that"…) and tell me, how are you presently handling ______________[the problem that needs solved by your product]________?”

“We do this and that and use so and so…”
“Yes, I see…describe the “ideal” ____________ for you (or the company)….”
“ideal stuff”
“Thanks: If you like what I send you, how do I go about getting a meeting with you?”
OR “Thanks: describe the ideal working relationship that would interest you in working with my company?”

OR “Thanks: once you receive the information, where do we go from there?”

“We really would like to develop a business relationship with your company: how do we go about doing that?”

Remember: always ask for the business, because nothing really happens until somebody sells something.

  • If you are looking for help in branding, re-positioning, messaging, sale training, motivational speaking check out Lindell Associates.

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